Job Name: Lee Highway Corridor Sewer Improvements Project
T&L Project Number: 14755
Client Name: Washington County Service Authority
Location: Washington County, Virginia
Contact Person: Bill King, Project Manager
Pre-Bid Date: A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference July 11, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. at the Washington County Service Authority office (25122 Regal Drive Abingdon, VA 24211
Bids Received Date: Ronald A. Seay, Acting General Manager at the Washington County Service Authority offices located at 25122 Regal Drive, Abingdon, Virginia 24211 until August 8, 2023 at 2:00 PM local prevailing time, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
Project Description:

Contract I: The work includes the furnishing of the labor, materials and equipment for the following sewage force mains: installation of approximately 15,260 linear feet of 8-inch diameter force main, installation of approximately 10,800 linear feet of 10-inch diameter force main, and all associated site work, valves, paving, erosion and sediment control measures, stream crossings, road crossings, and appurtenances for a complete system as specified and shown on the drawings. Contract name is Lee Highway Corridor Sewer Improvements Project – King Mill Pike and Hall’s Bottom Sewage Force Mains.

Contract II: The work includes the furnishing of the labor, materials and equipment for the following gravity sewers and sewage force main: Installation of approximately 10,220 linear feet of 8-inch diameter gravity sewer, installation of approximately 3,060 linear feet of 10-inch diameter gravity sewer, installation of approximately 12,740 linear feet of 10-inch diameter force main, and all associated site work, valves, manholes, service connections, paving, erosion and sediment control measures, stream crossings, road crossings, and appurtenances for a complete system as specified and shown on the drawings. Contract name is Lee Highway Corridor Sewer Improvements Project – Lee Highway Gravity Sewer and Sewage Force Main.

Contract III:  The work includes the furnishing of the labor, materials and equipment for the following gravity sewers: installation of approximately 255 linear feet of 6-inch diameter gravity sewer, installation of approximately 10,665 linear feet of 8-inch diameter gravity sewer, installation of approximately 7,265 linear feet of 15-inch diameter gravity sewer, and all associated site work, manholes, service connections, paving, erosion and sediment control measures, stream crossings, road crossings, and appurtenances for a complete system as specified and shown on the drawings. Name of Contract is Lee Highway Corridor Sewer Improvements Project – Hall’s Bottom Gravity Sewer.

Contract IV: The work includes the furnishing of the labor, materials, and equipment to construct four submersible sewage pump stations at separate sites as follows: King Mill Pike Pump Station includes all site work, wet well, vaults, manholes, pumping and mixing systems, odor control system, electrical/instrumentation, standby generator, and appurtenances for a complete system as specified and shown on the drawings. Lee Highway Pump Station includes all site work, wet well, vaults, manholes, pumping and mixing systems, electrical/instrumentation, standby generator, and appurtenances for a complete system as specified and shown on the drawings. Sugar Hollow Pump Station includes all site work, wet well, vaults, manholes, pumping and mixing systems, electrical/instrumentation, standby generator, and appurtenances for a complete system as specified and shown on the drawings. Hall’s Bottom Pump Station includes all site work, wet well, vaults, manholes, pumping and mixing systems, electrical/instrumentation, standby generator, and appurtenances for a complete system as specified and shown on the drawings. Name of Contract is Lee Highway Corridor Sewer Improvements Project – Sewage Pumping Stations.

Addendum(a): Addendum No. 1
Bid Documents:

Apparent Low Bidder: