City of Waynesboro Sewer Projects

City of Waynesboro Sewer Projects

The City of Waynesboro (City) owns and operates a sewage collection and treatment system which includes:

  • Approximately 120 miles of sanitary sewer mains;
  • 2,800 manholes;
  • 8 sewer pump stations; and
  • A Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).

The City’s system has experienced excessive I/I and WWTP bypasses. The City and T&L have partnered together over the past decade to develop new plans for the reduction of I/I within the City’s sewage collection system.

A sampling of T&L’s ongoing services include:

  • Updating the existing sewer system model to account for I/I work completed;
  • System flow monitoring over a seven-month period to determine base, average wet weather and peak flows;
  • Evaluation of the overall system to account for completed projects and updated flow information;
  • Identification/prioritization of 19 I/I projects to assist the City with I/I issues; and
  • Development of detailed costs and a five-year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for the identified projects.

In accordance with the five-year CIP, T&L provided preliminary engineering, survey, design, and construction services required to complete ten (10) of the identified projects. In addition to the aforementioned project services, the City and T&L have collected pre and post project flows from flow meters strategically placed downstream of each project.

To date, the City has completed ten (10) of the projects which have consisted of:
In-Situ Lining of 18-inch Sewer – 915 LF
In-Situ Lining of 12-inch Sewer – 6,855 LF
In-Situ Lining of 10-inch Sewer – 6,545 LF
In-Situ Lining of 8-inch Sewer – 21,709 LF
In-Situ Lining of 6-inch Siphon – 2,730 LF
Sewer Point Repair – 1,060 LF
Manhole Rehabilitation – 1,611 VF
Sewer Line Replacement – 20,085 LF

Since 2009, construction costs have totaled approximately $4.3 Million, which is significantly under T&L’s engineering estimates.


City of Waynesboro

Service Type:
Civil Engineering 

Project Value:
$4.3 Million

Completion Date: