Longwood University – High Street Gateway

Longwood University hosted a nationally-televised Vice-Presidential debate in October 2016. Because of this, LU made significant campus-wide improvements, consisting of mostly small projects that beautified the campus image; however, there are a few, larger-scale projects that were a part of this effort, including the High Street Gateway project. In association with Franck & Lohsen, T&L served LU as the prime A/E on the High Street Gateway Project.

The project consisted of the following improvements along High Street, which is a high-profile entrance and considered the “front door” of the campus:

  • New brick walkways
  • Replacing the Town light fixtures with campus standard lighting, plantings, architectural elements to define the edge of campus
  • Development of the “Gateway” at the intersection of High Street and the extension of Brock Commons
  • Various utility improvements including stormwater management infrastructure

The University’s vision for the “Gateway” is an iconic landmark or structure that will capture the spirit of Longwood University.


Longwood University

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Completion Date:
October 2016

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